//PCA10040.h //set the clock #define NRF_CLOCK_LFCLKSRC {.source = NRF_CLOCK_LF_SRC_SYNTH, \ .rc_ctiv = 0, \ .rc_temp_ctiv = 0, \ .xtal_accuracy = NRF_CLOCK_LF_XTAL_ACCURACY_250_PPM} //main.c //config the PA/LNA #ifdef APP_PA_LAN #define APP_PA_PIN 17 #define APP_LNA_PIN 19 #define APP_CPS_PIN 6 #define APP_AMP_PPI_CH_ID_SET 0 #define APP_AMP_PPI_CH_ID_CLR 1 #define APP_AMP_GPIOTE_CH_ID 0 static void pa_lna_setup(void) { uint32_t err_code; nrf_gpio_cfg_output(APP_CPS_PIN); nrf_gpio_pin_clear(APP_CPS_PIN); //enable nrf_gpio_cfg_output(APP_PA_PIN); nrf_gpio_pin_clear(APP_PA_PIN); // nrf_gpio_cfg_output(APP_LNA_PIN); nrf_gpio_pin_clear(APP_LNA_PIN); // static ble_opt_t pa_lna_opts = { .common_opt = { .pa_lna = { .pa_cfg = { .enable = 1, .active_high = 1, .gpio_pin = APP_PA_PIN }, .lna_cfg = { .enable = 1, .active_high = 1, .gpio_pin = APP_LNA_PIN }, .ppi_ch_id_set = APP_AMP_PPI_CH_ID_SET, .ppi_ch_id_clr = APP_AMP_PPI_CH_ID_CLR, .gpiote_ch_id = APP_AMP_GPIOTE_CH_ID } } }; NRF_GPIO->DIRSET |= (1 << APP_PA_PIN) | (1 << APP_LNA_PIN) ; err_code = sd_ble_opt_set(BLE_COMMON_OPT_PA_LNA, &pa_lna_opts); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); } #endif